Aiming to realize a healthy and fair society through "appropriate information disclosure" and "two-way communication between the organization and the public
President & CEO
ERA Toshiro
Arex began in 2001 as a public relations consulting firm specializing in three specialized public relations service areas: corporate communications, crisis communications, and media training.
Today, we can meet the needs of our corporate clients and organizations in detail, including reputation management, investor relations consulting, public affairs, issue management, social listening, and fire response services.
In the age of VUCA, when it is impossible to predict what will happen, we employ and train professional staff who can respond promptly and accurately to risk consultations and communication issues from various industries and organizations and have earned a reputation as a secure and reliable consulting firm. In addition to leading Japanese corporations and global and foreign-affiliated companies, we are also receiving increasing requests from government agencies, administrative agencies, and NGOs.
Our corporate philosophy is "to promote trust between corporations, the media, consumers, and society through appropriate and correct information disclosure and two-way communication, thereby realizing a healthy and fair society. Believing in the power of public relations, we are consistently committed to "delivering results" in all areas, from analysis and identification of issues to strategy proposals, implementation, and reviews.
There is an ever-increasing interest in incidents and corporate scandals. The social and media environment surrounding the firm is also undergoing significant changes, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 are not only being actively pursued by the firm as a whole but also by the firm as a whole. We also provide business support to client companies that contribute to the SDGs, particularly in the area of communications, and contribute to the creation of a fair and healthy society by resolving communication issues through the power of public relations and supporting the growth of client companies.
We will continue to improve our specialization and service quality and strive to provide the highest level of consulting services that our clients can trust.