
01 Media Training/Rehearsal Interviews and Press Conferences
Do you have any of these problems?
- A new president has taken office, and we would like to include interviews, but we would like him to understand the characteristics of the media and learn the tricks of interviewing.
- We plan to hold a press conference to announce a new product, but we are concerned that the executive in charge is unfamiliar with the event. Can I get effective media coverage?
We offer a variety of programs to improve the communication skills of top executives and other spokespersons. We can help you strengthen your spokespersons' ability to communicate and respond to top management appointments, major press releases, and peacetime interviews.
- Interview training for peacetime interviews
- Training for management strategy briefings and new product launches
- Speech/presentation training
Customer Testimonials

The importance of organizing the message you want to convey as a PR person and sharing it with the speakers in advance will be helpful in future efforts. I recognized the necessity of knee-deep discussions on sensitive topics such as alliances with other companies.

02 Media Training/Rehearsal for a Potential Crisis
Do you have any of these problems?
- A company scandal has come to light, and we will hold an emergency press conference. I want to rehearse immediately and learn how to respond to the media and how to conduct an apology press conference.
- I don't have anything at the moment. Still, I would like to prepare to handle any emergency, respond to interviews, and prepare for an emergency press conference. Where do I start...?
We will provide a variety of exercises and advice that will be useful in the field of implementation, including not only emergency press conference rehearsal just before the actual event but also training in responding to comments, QA, and telephone interviews. In the typical situation simulation, we create a crisis scenario that could happen at your company and role-play an emergency press conference and interview response. Our consultants, who have experience working with reporters, will help you feel the tension by simulating realistic interactions and the sound of professional lights and camera strobes. Experiencing a simulated emergency press conference will undoubtedly improve the spokesperson's ability to respond. We have received many requests for re-training from clients who have experienced our training, and many companies have responded favorably.
Customer Testimonials

I now better understand the initial actions and preparations we should take in an emergency. I am aware once again that the company's common sense is not acceptable to the public, and I will be conscious of my daily actions based on how to communicate information and respond to emergencies.

03 Simulation Training for Assuming a Crisis
Do you have any of these problems?
- I saw the news of other companies' scandals and thought it was not someone else's problem. What if it happens?
- How should we move from the front line to the top when a scandal occurs?
This is a training session where participants experience the sequence of events from a crisis to an emergency press conference. Participants will gather information according to the ever-changing situation, consider response policies, respond to media, residents, and other stakeholders' inquiries, prepare press releases and Q&As, and participate in an emergency press conference. We also conduct several tabletop simulation training sessions for PR responses that simulate crises that could happen to our clients.
Customer Testimonials

The training was efficient. Not only the manager class but also all members of the department need to experience this kind of exercise.

04 Crisis Management Public Relations Seminar
Do you have any of these problems?
- How can we get the officers to understand the importance of crisis management PR?
- I am worried about interviews and press conferences because of many miscommunication among board members.
We conduct seminars for executives, managers, crisis-related departments, and public relations staff to help them recognize the importance of public relations response to emergencies and understand the critical points of such response. Our interactive programs, which include group discussions and exercises based on case studies from other companies rather than one-way explanations by instructors, have been well received by participants. The content of the seminars is customized to meet the issues and needs of the participants and clients. On-line implementation is also available.
Customer Testimonials

I could imagine realistic situations through various case studies and learn crisis management. We tend to think about how the media will cover us. Still, I realized that it is essential to be able to respond first and foremost to apologize and express our feelings to the victims and customers who are causing trouble.

05 Seminar on Strengthening Public Relations Capabilities (for public relations staff)
Do you have any of these problems?
- How can we help PR department staff and managers acquire the ability to respond to press coverage?
- How can we teach the basics of public relations to new staff in charge of public relations?
We offer a variety of seminars to strengthen the PR skills of PR managers and staff. For new managers and staff with no previous experience in PR, we provide introductory PR seminars to help them understand the significance and practice of PR. We also offer interactive programs that incorporate exercises to meet the needs of our clients.
Customer Testimonials

I sometimes use SNS for work, but I still need to consider many points. This seminar helped me learn about matters we can address in advance, and I want to reaffirm my understanding of how to transmit information on SNS within my department and check it in detail.

06 Rehearsal for financial results briefing/shareholder meeting/resident briefing, etc.
Do you have any of these problems?
- I am worried that I will not be able to explain well at the financial results briefing soon.
- We are going to hold a residents' briefing for a new project. Will you be able to convince them?
We hold emergency press conferences and rehearsals for general shareholders' meetings and residents' briefings. At the beginning of the trial, the instructor will explain the key points to be defined and handled at the financial results briefing, general shareholders meeting, and residents' briefing. Then our staff will act as questioners for the Q&A session, focusing on sensitive questions that are difficult to answer.
Customer Testimonials

The rehearsal helped us understand what residents were concerned about. Talking to residents individually and hearing their requests and opinions in advance was good.